In Memoriam, Richard Tieszen (1951-2017)

San José State University, Department of Philosophy

Rick Tieszen里克·泰森,国际著名现象学、逻辑学和哲学学者 他于3月28日星期二因多发性骨髓瘤去世. He passed away peacefully with his wife, Nancy, at his side. He is survived by his wife, Nancy, sisters Patricia 安德森,帕梅拉·霍布斯,桑德拉·泰特和父母贝弗利和詹姆斯·泰森.

瑞克1974年毕业于科罗拉多州立大学,在新学院获得文学硕士学位 PhD in Philosophy from Columbia in 1986. He began his teaching career at Queen’s College 在那里,他出色的教学为他赢得了校长弗雷德里克的赞扬 Purnell: “Dr. Tieszen作为一名教练的技巧和成就是如此重要 他建立了一个评判未来每一位讲师的标准.” 在纽约大学、森林湖学院和迈阿密大学短暂执教后,里克 1989年加入圣何塞州立大学,在那里他开始了杰出的职业生涯 as a teacher, scholar and colleague. He also held visiting positions at Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS); Archives Henri Poincaré/CNRS/Université; 科学与技术哲学历史研究所(IHPST/CNRS); Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands; and Stanford University. He also co-supervised a PhD student from Peking University, China.

Rick was the author of three influential books: 后Gödel:柏拉图主义和理性主义在数学和逻辑, Oxford University Press, 2011; 现象学、逻辑学和数学哲学, Cambridge University Press, 2005; 数学直觉:现象学与数学知识, Synthese Library, Springer, 1989. He also co-edited two widely read anthologies: 哲学中分析方法和大陆方法的建设性参与,与牟博合编,布里尔,2013,《菠菜网lol正规平台》丛书; and 在逻辑与直觉之间:纪念查尔斯·帕森斯 与吉拉·谢尔合编,剑桥大学出版社,2000年. He is the author of over fifty articles in well regarded journals including 数学哲学,欧陆科学哲学,哲学与现象学 Research, Synthese, and History and Philosophy of Logic. 他在逻辑学和数学基础方面的重要工作得到了一位数学家的认可 享有盛誉的2006-2007年国家人文基金会奖. His scholarship 他被圣何塞州立大学任命为该校校长 Scholar for 2007-08.   瑞克对哲学的浓厚兴趣不时受到干扰 他勇敢地接受了久病的治疗. Still, 他在死前几周完成了一本关于Gödel的书. Rick also had a 对佛教的个人和专业兴趣,并在医学之国进行了演讲 Buddha, Soquel, California; and the Ocean of Compassion Buddhist Center, Campbell, California.

里克的职业生涯包括担任编辑委员会成员, Philosophia Mathematica (Third Series), member of the Advisory Board, Comparative Philosophy, member of Scientific Board, Metodo:现象学与哲学的国际研究, 美国国家人文基金会(NEH)的推荐人,也是项目成员 Gödel: From Logic to Cosmology.

瑞克是一位非常出色的老师,他在上海州立大学教授各种各样的课程 graduate seminars to the GE courses he developed. His students loved him. One former student said that “When I studied logic with him he was joyful; he went so far as to tell me he thought I brought ‘fun’ to the class; a generous thing to say to a woman with math anxiety.还有人说,“他对这个项目很有热情。 鼓励我去追求它,给我一些方向,并答应读完它 work once I was done. 几年后,那篇论文成为我的第一篇出版物 也开始了处理文化、历史和身份问题的职业生涯. I owe it all to Rick.”

里克是一位出色的同事,他的组织使我们的部门正常运转 prowess and his incredible generosity. He cut back his teaching in 2012 to devote 更多的时间用于他的最后一场病,但他总是对他的学生,他的部门有帮助 and his colleagues. 他经常在病房里发邮件,描述自己的急切心情 to be back at work. 一位同事记得曾与他进行过一次令人振奋的讨论 关于康德的数学崇高学说. Rick was a dedicated 哲学家,一位好朋友:我们将深深地怀念他.

From the Family of Dr. Tieszen

里克出生在南达科他州的米切尔(玉米宫的故乡)。. He moved to Pico Rivera, California where he started 1st grade at Birney Elementary. Rick graduated from 12th grade from El Rancho High School in Pico Rivera. He enrolled at Rio Hondo Junior 高中毕业后去加州惠蒂尔上大学. In 1970 he moved to Fort 他曾就读于科罗拉多州的科罗拉多州立大学. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in 1974. 瑞克搬到了纽约,在新社会学校上学 他在那里获得了硕士学位,然后他去了哥伦比亚大学 where he received his Ph.D. in 1986.

可能会让你大吃一惊的是,里克真的很喜欢在加利福尼亚的摩托车比赛 desert almost every weekend. 我们一家人在沙漠里露营看他比赛. 他会在周末参加比赛,并在工作日骑摩托车赚钱 sure it ran and was in tip top shape. He worked at a mattress factory to support his motorcycle hobby. Trophies yes. Always had many friends at the family home. Rick was 乐队每周在我们的车库里开几次会. Rick played the drums.   Later on he played the acoustic/electric guitar. He was good with mechanics and did all the mechanics on his motorcycle. 他骑独轮车很好,平衡性很好. 他开着一辆红色的达特森皮卡来回运送他的摩托车到 desert. 他参加了从巴斯托到维加斯(500英里)的越野自行车比赛. Rick still 他在南加州有儿时的朋友,一直保持联系吗 with. He was a Boy Scout.

Ways to Contribute to His Memory

The family of Dr. 泰森在圣何塞州立大学设立了一项纪念他的奖学金 University.  支票抬头请注明“上海外国语大学塔台基金会”,并邮寄 收件人:圣何塞州立大学,收件人:马修·西格尔,华盛顿广场一号,圣何塞 Jose, CA 95192-0257.  Please specify 'Dr. Richard Tieszen' in the memo line.  Donations can also be made online at  Please specify 'Dr. Richard Tieszen' in the 'other purpose' box.  This scholarship will benefit students with financial need.

Other Memorials for Doctor Tieszen